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  Should my dentist refer me to an orthodontist?
  What is the correct age for the first orthodontic screening?
  What happens at the initial examination?
  What are the benefits of early treatment?
  Will I need to have teeth extracted for braces?
  How long does treatment last?
  How often will appointments be scheduled?
  Do braces hurt?
  What should I do if spacers or separators are lost?  
  What happens if something is swallowed?  
  Can I return to school the same day that braces are fitted?
  Can I play sports with braces?
  Should I still see my family dentist?
  Are there foods I cannot eat?
  When is it too late for adults?
  I have crowns and missing teeth. Can I wear braces?
  Why an orthodontic SPECIALIST?
  When to see an orthodontist.
  Why orthodontic treatment?  
  Q: What should I do if spacers or separators are lost?

A: In case a rubber spacer falls out, take two pieces of dental floss and insert them through the spacer. Pull on both pieces of floss to stretch the spacer, and slide the spacer back and forth between the two teeth where it belongs. Once the bottom half of the spacer slips under the tight spot between the teeth, release and remove the floss and the spacer will fit back properly. If you cannot place the spacers back in your mouth, please call the office for an appointment. You can avoid losing spaces by avoiding sticky foods and temporarily avoiding flossing between the teeth where the space is situated.

flossing between teeth
DentoFacial Orthopaedics
  Request an appointment here Dr Mark Wertheimer 011 783 7171 Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter  
DentoFacial Orthopaedics