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  Dr Mark Wertheimer
Specialist in Orthodontics
& DentoFacial Orthopaedics

Tel: 011 783 7171
Fax: 086 551 2824
Orthodontic emergency number: 079 499 9980
What constitutes an orthodontic emergency? Click

New patient download forms:
Please download, complete and submit the form below
or bring it along to your first visit at our practice.

Please note our address is:
Suite 1107, The Leonardo
75 Maude Street, Sandton

Proceed to reception on the 3rd floor from where you will be directed to the office.
Alternatively, view the detailed directions to our amazing office

Request an appointment here

Dr. Wertheimer's free app for
Apple / Android devices here

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Images courtesy of www.aaoinfo.org

DentoFacial Orthopaedics
DentoFacial Orthopaedics


What constitutes an orthodontic emergency?

A loose bracket or attachment does not constitute an emergency. Although
it is best to fix it as soon as possible, an emergency is related to something
that causes discomfort.

Remember that loose and broken braces are most often caused by eating
the wrong foods. Our original estimate of your total treatment time assumes
no appliance breakage. Loose and broken braces prolong treatment!

1. Poking wire or bracket: Roll a small piece of wax that was provided to
you at the beginning of your orthodontic treatment into a small ball and
press it onto the part that is poking you.
2. Broken wire: Press the wire towards your teeth very gently with a pencil
eraser. If the wire is loose or you have a loose piece, carefully remove it
and place it in a “Zip Lock” bag and bring it to the appointment.
3. Loose or Broken Bracket or band: If the bracket or band is still attached
to the wire, contact the office immediately for an appointment to have the
bracket or band bonded again. If the bracket or band is loose and in your
hand, place in a “Zip Lock” bag and bring it to the appointment.
4. Coloured “O” ring (ligature) is missing: As long as you have other rings
still present, usually there is no problem, however, you should contact the
office to have the “O” ring replaced.
5. Headgear not fitting: don’t wear the headgear until the next appointment.
6. Broken retainer: do not wear the retainer if it does not fit well. Call the
office to schedule an appointment to have the repairs done or if necessary
a new one made. Do not wait for several weeks as the teeth may shift
requiring additional treatment at additional cost and time.
7. Unusual movement of your teeth: undesired tooth movement can occur
when part of your braces are broken or damaged or your wires are bent.
If this is the case, please call to schedule an appointment as soon as

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